A Silent Witness Ceremony was held at the Riley County Courthouse Plaza Wednesday over the lunch hour.
The event, hosted annually by the Crisis Center in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, serves as a remembrance to those who have lost their lives to domestic violence in our communities and across Kansas.
Executive Director Kathy Ray says nationally one in four women and one in 10 men are victims of intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking by an intimate partner.
Riley County Attorney Barry Wilkerson says his office continues to work to hold offenders accountable and connect victims to resources to get on with their lives.
RCPD Director Brian Peete reminded the public that no one can make it on their own, noting it takes the community to step in and advocate for others.
The ceremony included participants reading stories of victims both locally and from around Kansas. USD 383 school board member Kristin Brighton read about Amanda, a 23-year-old victim from Manhattan who lost her life in December 2011.
Ray shared the story of 28-year-old Rochelle, from Junction City, who lost her life in January 2007 to domestic violence.
Peete shared a story about Alex, a 56-year-old Junction City Police Officer who died in December 2001.
For more information on The Crisis Center, visit thecrisiscenter.org or call 785-539-2785. The 24-hour crisis line is 800-727-2785.
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