The dog park at Fairmont Park, south of Manhattan. (Photo courtesy Riley County)

For the second time in a matter of weeks, Riley County officials have closed the Fairmont Park Dog Park, due to possible canine parvovirus contamination.

Both large and small dog enclosures will remain closed until at least Monday out of an abundance of caution, after a dog that visited the park, recently tested positive for the highly contagious viral infection. The virus affects particularly puppies and other unvaccinated dogs and is known to spread through direct contact with an infected dog, as well as through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.

Pet owners are strongly encouraged to keep their dogs away from the Fairmont Park Dog Park and follow their veterinarian’s guidance on vaccinations and preventive measures.

Any pet owners who visited the dog park in the past week should monitor for signs and symptoms of parvo, which can include loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea.