Bishop Stadium, CiCo Park, Manhattan, KS

USD 383 school board members approved a nearly half million dollar purchase to replace the field turf and goalposts at Bishop Stadium Wednesday night, with tensions flaring over how what wording should be included in the end zones.

The debate centered on whether or not “Indians” should be replaced in one of the two end zones with either “Manhattan” or “Ogden.” Board member Brandy Santos revealed she believes since the board’s current makeup supports keeping all Native American imagery at MHS, no changes should be made to the scripts in either endzone.

      Brandy Santos

Santos admitted at Wednesday’s meeting she hasn’t seen the current field and was unaware of the current scripts in either end zone.

Board member Kristin Brighton supported the administration’s stance of a neutral move.

      Kristin Brighton

Manhattan Resident Kim Kuntz voiced concerns over these layout changes before action was taken.

      Kim Kuntz

Following back-and-forth disagreements between board members, Assistant Superintendent Eric Reid laid out a more clear way of thinking.

      Eric Reid

Board members voted 5-2 in regards to the purchase of the field with the end zone lettering remaining “Manhattan” and Indians” with only the removal of advertiser logos. Board members Jayme Morris-Hardeman and Karla Hagemeister opposed.