Manhattan city officials say Kimball Avenue will be reopened to all four lanes of traffic between College Avenue and North Manhattan Avenue, starting Thursday.

The project, part of the North Campus Corridor plan around Kansas State University, had interrupted traffic flow on the major thoroughfare for almost a year, shutting down last October, as part of a 13 phase planned infrastructure improvement in the city. The two most recent phases were partially funded by $6.8 million in grants from KDOT and the Federal Highway Administration.

City of Manhattan courtesy graphic

Motorists will notice wider lanes on Kimball Avenue as well as a center left-turn lane and a new signalized intersection at Gate 8, Grain Science, and the Wheat Innovation Center, as well as new entrances into NBAF and Meadowlark Hills. New sidewalks, a wider trail on the south side of Kimball and new pedestrian and street lighting will also be noticeable. A new bus stop was constructed at the football stadium, with landscaping improvements along the corridor still continuing.

The final phase of the overall project will include improvements at Kimball and Denison Ave., which is now under design and expected to begin construction in spring 2024.