Manhattan’s annual Red Cedar Holiday Harvest returns this Saturday at Roger Schultz Community Park.

The event is free, giving families an opportunity to chop down their own tree for their holiday decor.

The event also has a two-fold purpose of helping cull the population of Red Cedars — an invasive species that grow throughout the Park off of Miller Parkway.

Manhattan Parks and Recreation staff will be at Roger Schultz to help with the cutting, hauling and loading — though folks are encouraged and welcome to cut their own tree. Only handsaws are permitted.

Additionally, Britt’s Farm is partnering with Parks and Rec to offer hayrack rides to and from the trees.

The event runs from 8:30 to 11 a.m. on December 3rd. Those looking to attend are asked to use the Loma Ridge entrance to Schultz Park. That’s located at 810 Loma Ridge Drive.