Riley County staff will enter negotiations with Archimages for planned renovations to its EMS headquarters.

Commissioners Monday approved public works to begin the process after a selection committee provided its recommendation.

Public Works Director John Ellerman says they received eight Request for Qualifications from architectural firms, which was then narrowed down to five.

      John Ellerman

The selection committee recommended Archimages because of its most recent experience with designing EMS facilities.

Ellerman says a majority of the candidates had experience with fire stations, including two local firms. EMS Director David Adams says this firm overall brought them the best package.

      David Adams

Adams says Archimages is bringing in a national EMS/dispatch consulting firm out of Missouri. Possible plans of the headquarters include some kind of dispatch center.

Commissioner John Ford says it’s beneficial to work with a firm with this kind of experience.

      John Ford

Commission Chair Greg McKinley asked if there was any special consideration given to the local firms that applied.
      Greg McKinley

Ellerman says this was taken into account during the search, but Archimages presented itself as the top contender.
Contract negotiations between the county and Arch-Images will begin in the next few weeks.

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