Riley County EMS will have its north county first responder go live next month.
EMS Director David Adams confirmed to Riley County Commissioners Monday that the position will start June 6. This is a position based out of Leonardville and in place until the new station is constructed.
“Staff are hired and will be starting full time next week. We’ve got all the equipment in that we needed to go live with that. The last big piece of equipment we were waiting on arrived last week,” he said.
Adams says Assistant Director Josh Gering is meeting with staff to finish up the operational side of the position, and the leadership is viewing the facility this week.
“We’ve verified we’re good on the dispatch side. Everything’s been turned on, it’s just kind of hidden so we don’t confuse dispatchers. Sorry it took longer, I was hoping a couple weeks earlier,” he said.
Supply chain issues are blamed for the slight delay. Adams says they have also received initial documents for the new ambulance station in north county, and are awaiting response from the Kansas Department of Transportation.