A local non-profit with a mission to reduce poverty is raising funds through an online auction again this year.
Thrive! Flint Hills is now in its 7th year, and works with people through an 18-month personal development program that aims to help people more than just survive, but thrive. Executive Director Jayme Morris-Hardeman says Thrive! serves clients – who they call leaders – as a support system in achieving a number of goals.
“We have some leaders who are trying to go back to school right now and go to college for the first time, maybe return to college,” Morris-Hardeman says. “We have some leaders who are working on finding better employment, and sometimes they just need emotional support. They just need to have a team that can be a cheerleader for them as they try to reach their goals of maybe being a better parent.”
Leaders meet weekly at Thrive! and get opportunities to build relationships and social capital as well as learn life skills — all with the goal of reducing poverty in Riley and Pottawatomie Counties.
The organization is funded by grants from Konza United Way and the City of Manhattan as well as private fundraising. Thrive! shifted to online auctions amid the pandemic, and Morris-Hardeman says the format has made the process so streamlined they’ve opted to continue it for the time being.
“All sorts of interesting items that have been donated [are for sale],” Morris-Hardeman says. “Some handmade things, some gift cards, food items — just all sorts of interesting stuff that’s been donated and the money will all come back to Thrive!.”
The fundraiser opens June 6 at 5 p.m. and runs through June 11 at 6 p.m. central time. Thrive!’s goal this year is to raise $5,000 to support its operations and staff. Click here for the auction.
For Jayme’s full interview on In Focus, follow this link: https://1350kman.com/2022/06/in-focus-6-6-22-mhk-parksrec-ata-bus-jayme-morris-hardeman/