Manhattan-Ogden School Board members spoke briefly Wednesday about safety and security within the district.
Board President Karla Hagemeister noted Wednesday she is working with administrators on ways to further conversations at future meetings, complimenting work by district leadership on managing controllable factors related to school safety.
Board member Darell Edie expressed a desire to potentially beef up security at Anthony and Eisenhower Middle Schools.
Board member Brandy Santos commented she’s visited district buildings over the past week and been cognizant of safety efforts in place.
The board will hold its next meeting after Spring Break, on March 22.
In other business Wednesday, the board approved the purchase of audio/video equipment for Theodore Roosevelt Elementary totaling close to $34,000 and a nearly $67,000 bid for repaving playgrounds at Bluemont and Lee Elementary Schools.
The board also approved CHAMPS Safe and Civic School professional learning contracts totaling $17,575, According to its website, CHAMPS is a series of materials and services that schools and districts can use to implement Positive Behavior Support solutions. CHAMPS is an acronym for Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation and Success. It relies on the process of continuous improvement and a set of benchmarks that educators can use to provide support to staff.
The board gave initial approval of the 2023-24 calendar, with a start date of Aug. 16 and an end date of May 22. Assistant Superintendent Eric Reid noted the calendar includes more school days than normal. In
recent years, the district has had less days on the calendar to aid in construction projects and
transition. For the next year, the plan is to return to the full 189 day contract calendar, which will result in shorter days in the classroom as was seen prior to bond construction.
Special Recognition
The board recognized Anthony Middle School 8th grade student Solon Xia as this year’s winner of the Riley County Spelling Bee. He’ll compete at the Sunflower State Spelling Bee March 25 at Newman University in Wichita.
Manhattan State Senator and City Commissioner Usha Reddi was in attendance, representing the Manhattan chapter of the American Association of University Women. The board read a proclamation for International Women’s Day, coming up March 8.
Manhattan High School Principal Michael Dorst was also recognized for being the 2022-23 North Central Kansas Music Educator Association’s Honor Administrator.