Brooke Snyder

A Woodrow Wilson Elementary School teacher has been named the Manhattan-Ogden School District’s Master Teacher of the year.

Brooke Snyder, who teaches fourth grade, was selected from 12 finalists to represent the district in the 2022 program at Emporia State University on April 6. The annual banquet will honor individuals named for the current year as well as those who received the honor in 2020.

Snyder began her teaching career at Ogden Elementary in 2008 and has been at Woodrow Wilson since 2011.

She’ll be recognized during Wednesday evening’s school board meeting.

The Kansas Master Teacher program honors seven active or retired Kansas Pre-K-12 teachers each year. Since 1961, there have been 29 teachers from USD 383 named Kansas Master Teachers.

The post Woodrow Wilson educator named USD 383 Master Teacher appeared first on News Radio KMAN.