Pottawatomie County commissioners on Monday approved a temporary position to be created for the Treasurer’s Office, for a term of about four months.
County Treasurer Lisa Wright says lately the workload in the office has created some challenges getting some of its scanning needs completed.
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Wright says her office has been trying to scan all necessary forms into its web database but have been falling behind. She says there is funding available in the budget to pay for the position.
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Community Corrections
Pottawatomie County has appointed a Wamego Police Department officer and court clerk as its representative for a planned new community corrections department.
Tammy Hafenstein will serve as the at-large member on the new corrections board. County Counselor John Watt spoke to the process of forming this new department, something he says in the hands of 2nd District Chief Judge Jeff Elder.
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Pottawatomie County is required by the Kansas Legislature to have the program in place. Watt says there is a process where the Department of Corrections makes a grant to pay for the program.
Pottawatomie County has terminated its contract with Shawnee County Corrections to avoid a $150,000 fee increase. That partnership officially expires July 1.
Hwy 24/Green Valley Road signal
Motorists traveling through the congested and under construction Hwy 24/Green Valley Road intersection may see some reprieve.
Manhattan City Manager Ron Fehr told county commissioners Monday that the city and KDOT have worked to alter timing at that intersection and at Heritage Square.
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By doing this, Fehr says traffic should move more efficiently, especially at Green Valley Road.
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Construction is progressing and should be completed sometime next month.
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