RCPD Cpt Josh Kyle at his 12/30/2022 retirement celebration
The Riley County Police Department celebrated Captain Josh Kyle today, with a couple hundred of his closest friends. Kyle followed his father’s and grandfather’s paths. He is now retired after serving the community for 31 years. County Commissioner and Law Board Member John Ford spoke exclusively to KMAN.
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Ford agreed that the community would benefit when asked if Kyle should run for a political office.

      1230 Ford re Kyle for office

But, later Kyle spoke with News Radio KMAN and, despite being entertained, dispelled that notion.

      1230 Kyle re an office run

Ford added that Kyle’s commitment was something he could always count on.
      1230 Ford re retired Kyle

Kyle has been a regular guest of KMAN’s In Focus. When asked if he had a message for the community, he immediately answered.

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From all of us at News Radio KMAN, thank you for your service to the community, Captain Kyle.  We wish you a very long and enjoyable retirement.