After The Show PODCAST: “Mom, did you know?”
When Mom already knows, is it alright to burst that little bubble?
When Mom already knows, is it alright to burst that little bubble?
Designer Brand names we are all pronouncing wrong. Keep the Wow Wednesday. Tell you about the Christmas Classic that’s getting a sequel – this year!
Real convo about the slow, emotional process of letting kids grow up.
Jodi is mad at Sam because of something they can’t TALK ABOUT. What NOT to do at your kid’s school Open House. The new reason many toddlers are ending up in the ER.
Did Jodi act “too Mom-ish” when they went to see Taylor’s new college apartment?!
Why is Jodi taking another Girlzzz Wknd again so soon?? Why Micro Weddings are now a thing, and how to do 1. Sam’s got a treat for Friends fans.
What parents do that drive teachers crazy. Sam is single again. Jodi mourns her girls weekend.
How Murphy & Jodi had to GOOD COP/BAD COP their girls through their freshman years.
Why half of us say we are “Smart Drinkers” and what that means. Grateful Friday! Sam has a TON of music news AND will debut the new Elton John/Britney Spears duet.
Sam has a warning for Jodi about her all time favorite show.